About Us
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Sustainable Energy Systems and Policy Research Cluster Universitas Indonesia (SESP-UI) website. SESP-UI was established in 2015 to facilitate multi and inter-disciplinary research approaches by exploring the relationship of natural sciences, engineering, social science, and economics to develop sustainable energy systems and support the decision-making process for the government and the industry. Our research focuses on simulation, modeling, optimization, and policy analysis in 7 major topics.
Our vision is to become a global leader in energy-related research by developing innovative ways to address energy problems. To achieve our vision, we welcome enthusiastic students to perform research in our facilities. In addition, we also provide seminars, training, and insight for professionals and policymakers.
We welcome any forms of research collaboration regarding global energy issues with fellow researchers, engineers, professionals, or policymakers.
For further information, please contact us.
Best Regards
Prof. Widodo W. Purwanto
Sustainable Energy Systems and Policy UI
Sustainable Energy Systems and Policy Universitas Indonesia (SESP UI) is an integrated research cluster on complex energy systems and policy analysis, trying to understand the environment, economic and social impact of energy systems. The research approach is integrated and holistic by multi-dimension and multi-scale analysis of field of study.
Our Goal
Our goal is to conduct multi-discipline of natural sciences, engineering, social science, and economics to develop sustainable energy systems by exploring the relationship of energy systems, economy, environment, and social in order to support the decision making the process for the government and the industry.
We envision SESP-UI to become leading research cluster in the energy-related sector.
Conduct a multi-disciplinary approach to research
Support policymaker with a strong scientific research background
Give insight and knowledge to all stakeholders in the energy sector