GEOCAP One Day Workshop
Geothermal Capacity Building Programme (GEOCAP) is an International collaborative programme collaboration between Indonesian and Dutch institutions with the goal of developing competences in geothermal field through education and research and improving geothermal subsurface databases. This seminar is held to share the study results conducted by GEOCAP to stakeholders and to gather feedbacks from the stakeholders to realize the utilization of low-medium geothermal sources in agriculture, industry and small-scale power generation.
This seminar will discuss utilization of low-medium enthalpy geothermal sources. Especially about its feasibility study, financing scheme and any required policy for agriculture, industry and small-scale power application. This seminar will explain the study which has been conducted by GEOCAP WP3, which are represented by Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung and IF Technology, and to share experiences about utilization of low-medium enthalpy geothermal sources to geothermal energy user, especially small, medium, and big company, local government and communities. The seminar will be conducted in 4 sessions. The first session is GEOCAP WP3 and government presentation about study which has been conducted and regulations on direct use of low enthalpy geothermal sources. The second session is group discussion about the special topic which will be separated into 2 groups. The first group will discuss about industrial and agricultural applications, and the second group will discuss about small scale power generation. The third session will summarize two main topics which already been discussed in second session. The main goal of this seminar are to accelerate the development of small-medium scale industry and develop local community economics.